Ostern markiert für mich immer den Jahrestag der Fertigstellung unserer ersten Halfpipe! Wir hatten 2 Jahre Geld gespart und Alex konnte seinen Daddy überreden uns einen Teil seines Schrebergartens außerhalb der Stadt zu überlassen (Danke, Papa Zosel, R.I.P.)
28 years ago!
Easter always marks the days when our first ramp was finished! We had saved money for 2 years and Alex had persuaded his dad to give up a part of his yard just out of town. (Thanks, Daddy Zosel, R.I.P.)
Der Rahmen
The frame
After building for a few days the monster took shape. Passers-by did not trust their eyes (the ramp was located next to a country-road and a bike lane)!
Today something like this would be impossible in Ettlingen!
Walter Voigt helped us building it after he had done a ramp before according to original Rampage plans. The original crew consisted of Alex Zosel, Bernd Kebschull, Markus Reiser, Perry Gruner and myself.
Right after the first 3 sheets were attached it had to be tested! Markus and Alex
Wir nahmen im Winter sogar den Belag runter, damit er länger hielt!
Done! The ramp stood like this for 2 years.
We even took the surface off for the winter!
1983 erfolgte ein Umbau. Bernd und ich nahmen die Halfpipe auseinander, drehten das Ganze um 90 Grad und bauten mit Flat wieder auf, alles ohne Strom in den heißesten 2 Wochen der Ferien. Die Wochen vorher zelteten wir oft neben der Rampe um nachts Besorgungen in der Umgebung zu unternehmen. Manchmal haben wir auch nach Holz gefragt und sogar oft etwas bekommen.
Remodeling 1983. Bernd and me dismantled the ramp, shifted it 90 degrees and rebuilt it with a flat bottom in the hottest 2 weeks of the holidays, without having electricity. We camped next to the ramp prior to the reconstruction to go "shopping" in the surroundings at night. Sometimes we even asked for wood and got some for free sometimes.
In 1984 it received an new layer of plywood.
The ramp held up until 1987. We had sworn to only take it down if we had a new one.
Im Herst 1987 war klar, dass die GreenRamp gebaut wird. Etwas sentimental war der Abriss schon, schließlich haben wir in diesem Schrebergarten einige Jahre skaten dürfen und haben praktisch dort gelebt.
Good times!
The GreenRamp was started in 1987. It was very moving when we took the old ramp down. We were allowed to skate there several years and practically lived in that yard!
Good times!
Ein sehr netter Bericht.
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