An meinem 14. Geburtstag überraschten mich meine Eltern mit einem Gutschein für 3 Tage Paris. Zwei halbe Tage im Skatepark waren eingeplant, der Rest Sightseeing. Die 3 Tage wurden an unseren Sommerurlaub im Süden Frankreichs angehängt. Ich war mehr als glücklich.
Am 05.August 1979 war es soweit. Ich hatte nur eine wage Adresse von dem Park, nicht die leiseste Ahnung wo in Paris das war. Mein Dad und ich fragten an der Rezeption unseres Hotels, aber man wusste natürlich nichts von dem Park. Nach langen Telefonaten konnte der Portier aber den Park ausfindig machen und mein Dad und ich fuhren im Taxi hin.
Als ich aus dem Taxi ausstieg hörte ich schon die Skategeräusche hinter der Mauer und ich fing an zu Zittern. Wir betraten den Vorraum der diesen Skateshop-Geruch hatte (manche wissen vielleicht was ich meine) bezahlten den Eintritt und betraten den Park.
Early 1979 news about a concrete Skatepark in Paris reached us. Imagine, there was no internet, now European Skatemag, no network or anything. Stories from people who had visited the park already made me curious. I started to tell my parents about it. I was 13 at the time and Paris was far away. Unreachable.
On my 14th birthday my parents gave me a ticket for 3 days in Paris. Two half days at the Skatepark, the rest was for sightseeing. Those 3 days were attached to our summer vacation in the south of France. I was more than happy.
On August, 5 1979 we went. I just had a shaky address of the park and no idea where in Paris that might be. My dad and me asked at the reception of our hotel but no one knew anything about it. After long phone calls the man behind the desk found it. My dad and I took a cab.
As soon as I got out of the car I began to shake. I heard the skating sounds behind the wall. We entered and the front room had the skate shop smell (some might know what I mean).
We paid and entered the park.

The park viewed from the entry. I stole this pic somewhere, I usually don´t do this, but it is the only one I found. I was too excited back then and forgot to take one like this.
The entry fee: 7 Franc, 50 Centimes, back then about 2,50 DM, today 1,25 Euro for all day access.
Das war die erste Halfpipe in der ich mit Kickturns Höhe gewann. Meine Mutter bekam Schreianfälle, jedes Mal wenn ich in die Nähe der Kante kam, und ich schaffte es nicht mal bis nach oben.
This was the first ramp I gained height on with kickturns. My mother screamed every time I neared the ledge and I didn´t even make it to the top yet.
beton Hurlan was so rad! I remember being at the opening party and the was this guy called Alexis LePasteur blowing frintsides out of the halfpipe. very cool!
AntwortenLöschenI went to La Vilette (the other park in Paris) in 1978 - i was already closed, but I could sneak in and have the whole park just for me !
AntwortenLöschenI remember the snake, the bowl ... Too rad !