This post is long overdue. Marc joined us at the Ettlingen backyard ramp in 1983. He caught fire right away and skateboarding did not let him go for a long time. I am sure he is still not released today even if I haven´t seen him on a skateboard for a long time. Marc was the father of the GreenRamp. She would not exist without him. He was a judge at many Monster Masterships.
Marc @ GreenRamp
This must have been one of his first kickturns.....
He gathered a large bag of tricks quite fast. Fakie footplant
Layback always was a part of his warm-up run. GreenRamp ca. 1989
Es war gut, dich dazuhaben, Marc. Unvergessliche Sessions und Trips. Werde nie das Auge vergessen, nach dem Ameisenbiss beim Zelten.....
It was good having you there, Marc. Unforgettable sessions and trips. I will never forget the eye after the ant bite while camping....
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