Pedro Barros, einer der besten neuen Vertskater der Welt, Marcelo Kosake and Rony Gomes (ebenfalls vert) und Emanoel Enxaqueca, Paulo Galera and Og de Souza (street).
Mir gefallen die Designs sehr.
Eduardo Pigatto is from Brasil. He is doing designs for Drop Dead Skateboards who have a really impressive Team going:
Pedro Barros who is one of the best new vert skaters out there, Marcelo Kosake and Rony Gomes (also vert) and Emanoel Enxaqueca, Paulo Galera and Og de Souza (street)
I really like the designs.
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Die Designs erinnern an klassische Rennwagen. Diese sind auch als Sticker zu haben.
The designs resemble classic race cars also available as stickers.
Eduardo in einem brasilianischen Pool auf einem 41-inch Deck.
This is Eduardo in a brazilian pool riding a 41-inch deck.
AntwortenLöschenmany many thanks for support my work.
best wishes from brazil!