Nun, da ich die zweite erhalten habe, habe ich mich jedoch umentschieden. When I had finished the review about the first issue of SBJ I did not have the thought of doing one for the second issue as well. Not because it was not worth it, rather I might have to do one every 3 months. But having received the new issue I decided otherwise

The SBJ is the best skatemag I ever received, definitely. It appeals to me in each article, is great to read and shows a high quality in paper and the photographs. It bears the spirit that can only come out of a skateboarder with a lot of experience and heart.

At first I noticed that the mag got thicker. It contains more ads but not too many.

Ich habe schon oft erfahren wie viel Unterschied ein Anruf oder eine Mail im richtigen Moment machen kann. So wohl auch in der Entstehungsgeschichte dieses von mir sehnsüchtig erwarteten Films.
There are a lot of articles worth to mention, in particular an interview with Stacy Peralta about the Bones Brigade Docu.
I really like the last sentence: “Thanks for making the call, Lance”
I have seen before how much difference a call or mail can make in the right moment. It seems like this has happened in the evolution of this film.
Further there is an article about Tony Alva written by BTO blogger Ozzie Ausband.
Zudem ein Artikel über einige Vertranen. Unter anderem Ed Economy, der mich zu dem Namen für diesen Blog inspiriert hat. Als ich ihn in Morro Bay bei der Slalom WM frug wie er es durchhält 10 Stunden lang am Start zu stehen und die Racer zu starten antwortetet er mir.
„Chris, this is simple: I am a skateboarder for life”
There is an article about some veterans. Among those featured is Ed Economy, who inspired me to the name for this blog. When I asked him how he can stand starting the racers at the Morro Bay Worlds for 10 hours + he just said:
“Chris, this is simple: I am a skateboarder for life”
„Chris, this is simple: I am a skateboarder for life”
There is an article about some veterans. Among those featured is Ed Economy, who inspired me to the name for this blog. When I asked him how he can stand starting the racers at the Morro Bay Worlds for 10 hours + he just said:
“Chris, this is simple: I am a skateboarder for life”

What I really like is that the founders are still listed on the last page. I am wearing my SBJ shirt with pride.
Ich empfehle jedem, das SBJ zu abonnieren. Möge es lange existieren.
I recommend to subscribe to the SBJ.
May it live for a long time.
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