The Rock´n´Roll Bowl and Skateshop is now open to the public in Karlsruhe. Now, the cities possibilities to skate are almost complete, The only thing missing is a good concrete pool.
Der Erbauer schaut zufrieden auf sein Werk: Mathias Stäudlin
The creator is viewing his work satisfied: Mathias Stäudlin
Der Shop ist mit dem Bowl verbunden und bietet alles was man braucht.
The shop is connected with the bowl and offers everything you need.
Zuschauer Podest, super!
Viewing platform, amazing!
Blick von oben, Tim speedet durch eine der sanfteren corners
View from above, Tim speeding through one of the softer corners
Der schnellste im Bowl, beobachtet vom Jüngsten,
The fastest in the bowl watched by the youngest
Auch die youngsters haben da Spaß. Reece, rock to fakie
The youngsters have their fun there too.
Al Ex, grind
Fun, Gelächter, Session, Freunde
Fun, laughter, session, friends
Carlo, grind
Jo Haist
Bowl overview
Jo Haist, stale
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