since 2009

since 2009

Photos from my archive, new and old stuff from the world of skateboarding. All logo designs by Eduardo Pigatto, Brazil (Cover Photo by Alexander Schulte-Stemmerck, all other photos by Chris Eggers unless otherwise noted)

Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013

Coming soon: Campus Ramp Jam 2013 review

Wir hatten beeindruckende fliegende Männer und Frauen auf rollenden Brettern, blauen Himmel, angenehme Temperaturen, tolle Zuschauer, gute Musik, kalte Getränke, eine super Band, rauchende Grills und sehr, sehr viel Spaß.
Vollständiger Bericht folgt
We had amazing flying men and women on rolling boards, blue skies, pleasent temps, a great crowd, good music, cold beverages, a great band, steaming grills and a lot of fun.
Stay tuned for full report and photos soon
Photo by Matze Bitsch

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